Similar tasks
Easy level
Task for girl
Repeat the steps as in the image below.
Poses with female activityPoses with male activityPettingKissesStrip taskWatching pornTake photo / videoFoot fetishMale golden showerMassage for girlFemale golden showerMassage for a manSexual role-play
Easy level
Task for boy
The man sits on the edge of the bed, the girl lies down or sits down so that her legs rest on the man's hips. He massages her legs in turn for a minute, while she strokes the man's cock through his pants with one foot.
PettingFoot fetishMassage for girl
Easy level
Task for girl
The girl lies on her tummy and on a laptop (tablet or phone) is looking for suitable music that will play in the background during the game. Music should not be loud and aggressive, and also constantly repeated. At this time, the guy should stroke her legs, massage her feet and thighs. If you prefer to play in silence, then the girl can just relax and enjoy the massage.
Massage for girlFoot fetishPetting